There Are 10 Best Tips For Maintaining A Healthy Lifestyle.

1. Eat healthy :

               When we talk about healthy eating, we just not talk about vegetables and fruits but we talk about consuming less sugar and salt. Because salt and sugar are slow poison. So try to consuming it less and add more vegetables and fresh fruits to your diet. Also eat on a right time and eat according to your body need.

2. Avoid any addiction :

               Addiction like smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol is so normal nowadays. And the strange thing is we know that it can be very harmful to us but still we can't get over from it. No matter how hard the situation or how many problems are around you but avoid addiction as much as you can because it can make you feel relax for sometime but in a long term it will be the reason for your all problems. so stay away from any kind of addiction.

3. Less screen time :

               Spending too much time on screen is not good for our health. It can dry our eyes which can cause serious eye disease. If you work online and you have to be in front of screen all the time so you can take a break in every 2 to 3 hours. In this break you just have to look anywhere except the screen and drink water. You can also rub your eyes with your hands do it gently do not rub too much. 

4. Stay hydrated :

               ' Stay hydrated ' you have heard this words so many times but what does it really mean ? why to stay hydrated all the time ? it's because water is the only thing that prevents 90% of disease. Water clarifice our body and skin. It's also helpful to digestive system.

5. Stay physically active :

               Include physical activities in our daily life style is very important. Being physically active can strengthen bones and muscles. It's also helpful to manage weight. It reduce stress and heart disease. It can also reduce the risk of cancer.

6. Stress less :

               Our lifestyle is so changed so our work, our life and it's some point our relation and our emotions too. Stress is first step of any heart disease. For controlling stress, do physical activities or read some books, talk to your family or your friends or anyone you can trust. 

7. Spend time with your family and friends :

                Spending time with loved ones can solve our 90% of problems but we don't priorities them. Talk to them, share share your problems, trust them, make them realize that how much they mean to you. 

8. Sleep well :

               Enough sleeping should be our first priority. We may not realize that but sleeping is very helpful. It's relaxing. It calms your mind, body and at some point it can also calm your soul. That's why we have heard a lot of time that if you are stressing too much or if you don't know what to do just take a nap or a good sleep and you are good to go. 

9. Read books :

               Books are best friends of humans. It can teach you anything like from your first letter to your life lessons. For body video exercise for any kind of physical activity just like that for our mind we should read books. It's exercise of our mind. 

10. Stay positive :

                 There are so much negativity around us. Yes we can't stay positive all time but try to stay positive as much as you can because the positive mind set is your key to success. It's ok if you can't stay positive all the time just stay away from negativity. It's also beneficial.


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