Regarding remedial teaching in reading, writing, numeracy in class 2 to 8 ધોરણ 2 થી 8 માં વાચન, લેખન ગણન અંતર્ગત ઉપચારાત્મક શિક્ષણ કરવા અંગે

Regarding remedial teaching in reading, writing, numeracy in class 2 to 8 
ધોરણ 2 થી 8 માં વાચન, લેખન ગણન અંતર્ગત ઉપચારાત્મક શિક્ષણ કરવા અંગે 
As you are aware of the above subject, the education department of the state government is constantly striving to ensure that all children achieve the learning outcomes appropriate to their standards and subjects. For this it is imperative that every child acquires the basic skills of reading, writing and numeracy. For this reason, the education department of the state government is constantly striving.
As part of such efforts, children of classes 1-2 were assessed in reading, writing and numeracy in the last academic session during February-March 2024. Individual report cards of this diagnostic test for classes 3 to 8 semesters as well as school report cards have been made available to the schools. By studying this report card, it will be seen which children of class 2 to 8 need remedial education in reading, writing and numeracy. Thus, as per the report card of last year's diagnostic test of class 1 and 2, ensure that individual remedial work is done in reading, writing and arithmetic in class 2 and 3 respectively at the beginning of this year.
Ensure that remedial teaching work is done in class 4 to 8 respectively based on the result/report card of second semester test of class 3 to 7 of last year.
All Shiksha will ensure that remedial teaching work is carried out for the expected prior knowledge of the subject, also within the bridge course given at the beginning of the self-study pothi given to every student in class 3 to 8.
A useful guide for remedial teaching in reading-writing-numeracy in grades 2 to 8 is included. Ensure that this manual is used during classroom teaching.
As teachers, we are always striving to ensure that students achieve their standard learning outcomes in every subject. Especially, after class 3 we as teachers find it difficult to reach this goal. A major reason behind this is that some children entering Grade 3 do not have the expected achievement level in the basic skills of reading, writing and numeracy. Even children who have learned a little bit in class 1-2 due to the hard work of teachers, continue to fall behind after class 3 due to lack of proper literacy skills.
At the beginning of the last academic year 2023-24 (July 2023) and at the end of the year (February-March 2024) we will conduct remedial education work by individually assessing each child to ensure that all children have achieved the expected achievement levels in reading, writing, numeracy as they enter grade 3. But have done. After the diagnostic work done under Punun Bharat during February-March 2024, the teachers of class 1-2 must have done remedial teaching work for the students. Let us ensure continuity of remedial work for these children who have completed class 1 and 2 and entered class 2 and 3 respectively from the beginning of the new year.
All letters come in first language textbooks of class 1. Similarly, in the second standard, the consonants, consonants and special consonants of the first language are introduced. So every child who completes Class 1 and enters Class 2 or completes Class 2 and enters Class 3 has a set of literacy expectations. Most children will also be able to read and write as expected. But, it is possible that students will have difficulty recognizing or writing certain letters, syllables or quantities. Start by doing some vocal reading and dictation to determine which students have difficulty recognizing or writing which letters.
Report cards of each subject of the previous Semester Test (SAT) of children who have passed class 3 to 7 and appeared in class 4 to 8 respectively are also available. Among these, if we look at the report card of Gujarati and Maths, we will realize that reading-writing or simple calculation is difficult.
Literacy and numeracy skills are the 'gateway' skills within school education. Therefore, the study of other subjects of school education can be effective only by crossing the gateway of these skills. As teachers, we should always be aware that we have to 'teach students to read' so that in the future they 'learn to read' (Learning to Read for Reading to Learn)
Being able to read means being able to read and understand. To be able to write means to be able to explain (one's own words) by writing. Let's ensure that our students have such opportunities during the day-to-day learning process.
Teaching reading and writing is not the sole responsibility of the language teacher. All teachers are language teachers. As teachers we need this much during our regular classroom work to teach students to read and write.
The instructions given in the textbook are for students. Not for the teacher. So let the students understand the instructions given in the textbook rather than the teacher explaining them by speaking. E.g. 'Sit in pairs/groups, write the names of the organisms appearing on this page. Discuss the seasons in which such organisms are found in your area. Instead of doing this, ask students, 'What does this instruction tell us to do?' By doing this students will read the instructions themselves and try to understand them. The mental process involved in trying to understand this is very important. Two or more students sitting in a pair/group will try to explain what they have understood to the pair or other members. Such a process will take some time at first, but will speed up as students get used to it. Not only this, the student will become a 'responsible' reader. That is, he himself will understand that what is read has to be understood.
The student has to read and understand the material (sentences-paragraphs, diagrams etc.) given in the textbook of any subject. Let's give that opportunity to the students. Of course, somewhere the terminology of the subject should be explained by the teacher. However, when reading for comprehension as a responsible reader, we also assume—make guesses at—the meanings of some words, and our guesses are often correct. E.g. In science textbooks it is mentioned that 'heating water increases its temperature. Water boils when the temperature reaches 100 degrees. The water temperature does not rise beyond 100 degrees. Thus, the boiling point of water is 100 degrees.' Even if the words temperature or boiling point in these sentences are new to the student, he will understand from the rest of the familiar words in the sentence and the context that it is about temperature.
 As part of our subject teaching, we should regularly develop a tradition where one or two students read the material in the class through key reading and say what they have understood.
 Let's make sure that in every lesson of each subject, at least two or three consecutive sentences should be read aloud to the students, immediately after the students read, ask questions about which issue is discussed in those two or three sentences? By doing this, the reading of the students will improve as well as the point of our curriculum will be advanced.
Correct reading speed is very important for reading comprehension. Only if the student reads aloud will the teacher know whether the student is reading at the right pace and with the right rhythm. Active reading during class also helps identify which students have difficulty with the decoding level (i.e. recognizing letters or words). By giving such students frequent opportunities in the classroom, the Mahavara will improve their core reading skills. Writing Atargat As mentioned earlier 'writing means explaining by writing. This means that the student can explain what he knows in writing as well as speaking
should be explainable. We can call this independent writing. Of course, dictation is the first step before students do independent writing.
 While teaching in the classroom we write important points or sentences on the board. Usually, the students write the details that we write on the board in their notes. As a teacher we should dictate the important details of our subject every day. Let one or two sentences be dictated so that all students' writing can be checked and corrected. This activity will help us to understand what kind of letters and numbers the Katha students find difficult to write. Based on this we do specific remedial work for those students.
 Independent Writing: During class work, give students the opportunity to write at least two or three sentences on their own within that topic. Students orally answer questions that are commonly asked in the classroom. We can ask a question and say that every student has to write the answer to this question in his own way. If students have trouble writing this way at first, ask them to think of an answer to the question in groups or pairs, then have those students write a consensus answer in their group and present it to the class. Personalize this activity gradually.
Thus all the teachers of every standard are teachers of language i.e. reading and writing. After teaching students the 'gateway skills' of reading and writing i.e. 'understanding reading and explaining in writing', the teacher's task becomes much easier. This allows much of the content of our subject to be given to students for self-study.
TET- TATના ઉમેદવારોના આંદોલનની અસર, મુખ્યમંત્રીએ તાત્કાલિક બેઠક બોલાવી 
રાજ્ય સરકાર શિક્ષકોની ભરતી કરશે. તેમાં 7500 શિક્ષકોની ભરતી કરાશે. 
3 મહિનામાં ભરતી કરાશે. ટેટ 1 - 2 પાસ ઉમેદવારો માટે નિયમ બનાવી ભરતી કરાશે.
Also included in the calculation are the report cards of students in class 2 and 3, on the basis of which the teachers of class 1-2 may have done remedial work last year, let's continue the remedial work for these children in class 2-3 in the new session.
Some children are normal. Meanwhile, if there is some difficulty in learning two-digit numbers, they need to be taught the identity first. A child who does not recognize two-digit numbers may not later recognize three-, four-, or more-digit numbers, as a result of which he will be inactive during the learning task of most topics in mathematics. It is easy to do remedial work for learning outcomes that have a natural and clear 'developmental frequency' like mathematics.
Also, if we look carefully, we will realize that the first unit of the mathematics textbook of that grade covers most of the topics learned in the previous grade. So let's make sure that all children understand the first unit properly, even if we slow down our teaching pace during the first unit teaching.
Even after the first unit, some children may have difficulty with numbers or simple operations. In these circumstances there is no need to stop the teaching work of the whole class for those children. While most of the children in the whole class are learning that unit - children who are lagging behind can be helped to catch up during the same time. E.g. In one grade, the teacher teaches children multiplication by writing the multiplication sums on the board. When teaching multiplication in the classroom, have children who have difficulty with number recognition read and write the numbers written on the board, as well as make children who have difficulty with addition an active partner during the addition involved in multiplication. By doing so. Completing the syllabus in the stipulated time will also be done and at the same time children can be taught numeracy and sum while falling behind. Similarly, while teaching addition-subtraction, remedial work of numeracy, while teaching multiplication-division, remedial work of addition-subtraction in addition to numeracy.
Always discuss place value while teaching numeracy. Be careful in speaking numbers. E.g. The number 56 is written on the board. So replace it with five hundred sixty-six 
Let's say 'fifty and six fifty six'. Insist that students speak numbers in the same way. This strengthens students' understanding of numbers. Location pricing is also easy to understand. A child who has learned numeracy up to a thousand with an understanding of place value, will be able to understand much larger numbers easily in the future.
Underlying the calculation is another problem. Often students know mathematical procedures (such as number recognition and addition, subtraction, multiplication, division). But they don't know how to use it. When teaching in the class, the ability should not be tested! Why does this happen? Let's remember. When we teach in the class, does the student understand the amount of the puzzle by himself or does the teacher explain? If the teacher always explains the amount of the puzzle, then the student may not be able to understand the amount by himself. Now. When a question is asked in the test, the student has to understand the amount of the puzzle by himself, that is, despite having the ability of addition-subtraction or multiplication-division, in this example, the student does not understand what to do among these four operations and in what order. Henceforth, when teaching a puzzle, let us insist that the student understand the puzzle on his own by opening/opening each sentence of the puzzle. Due to this gradually the student will start explaining the riddles. If you know processes, you will also know how to solve puzzles.
Thus, let's help every student of class 2 to 8 reach their standard proficiency in reading, writing and arithmetic based on the results of last year's test.
Regarding remedial teaching in reading, writing, numeracy in class 2 to 8 
ધોરણ 2 થી 8 માં વાચન, લેખન ગણન અંતર્ગત ઉપચારાત્મક શિક્ષણ કરવા અંગે 
ધોરણ 2 થી 8 માં વાચન, લેખન ગણન અંતર્ગત ઉપચારાત્મક શિક્ષણ માર્ગદર્શિકા
વાંચન લેખન ગણન આયોજન કરવા બાબત પરિપત્ર
તારીખ 27/6/2024

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