21st June A long day Information
Sun’s ecliptic and celestial equator intersect twice a year. This day is called Sampat Day. After experiencing equal day and night on March 20, people of India will now experience the longest day of the year on June 21 at 13 hours and 14 minutes.
As the Sun moves north, the length of the Northern Hemisphere day increases and the night shortens.
Due to that On June 21st, the day gets longer. From 22nd June, the day will be shorter and the night will be longer.
It is also called the Dakshinayana of the Sun as the Sun moves towards the South from 21st June. The length of the day and night depends on factors such as the direction, motion of the moon, the inclination of the earth towards the sun, and the rotation speed of the sun, etc., which are constantly changing.
Earth is tilted at an angle of 23.5 on its axis. Due to the tilt of the earth’s head towards the south and north, the inhabitants of the earth experience a mixed climate of hot and cold. So 21st June is called Sampat meaning the longest day of the year.
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બે વર્ષ બાદ નિવૃત્તિથી ખાલી પડેલ જગ્યાઓ પર પુરા પગારમાં સમાવવા બાબત
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