Blo kamgiri sambandhit 3 news report 

Tamam blo mitro mate usefull information news 
Teaching can be difficult if boisterous and noisy students will disrupt the lessons. As a teacher, keeping the lessons and discussions rolling could be difficult if you keep getting interrupted. This proved to be hard to handle especially for those who are just starting in their teaching profession.
Classroom management refers to how teachers make sure that lessons continue even with disruption. Classroom management helps teachers deal with issues about motivation, discipline and respect. There are different strategies and techniques that teachers use to make sure that their students are inspired, motivated and well-behaved. Of course, techniques would depend on the teacher’s preference.
The best time to let students know about your rules is during the first day. Even before classes start, you would have to know what to expect from students and how they can meet those expectations. So, when explaining the classroom rules on the first day, make sure that they understand it clearly and they know the consequences for not abiding the rules. If you fail to explain or provide punishments or consequences of violating classroom rules, then students would get confident not to follow them at all.
When you create your “topic” (this is where you post your directions, questions, etc.) you can also determine the video response time you plan to allow students to have when recording their video via Flipgrid. Each response can be from 15 seconds to 5 minutes long.  For exit tickets, I will set the video response time anywhere from 30-60 seconds and tell students to quickly share the most important thing they learned in class, as well as any questions they may have about the lesson. Since the response is limited to a minute, I can go through each one rather quickly and answer any questions that were asked.
Blo kamgiri sambandhit 3 news report 

Tamam blo mitro mate usefull information news 
3 news report pdf file 

Blo kamgiri thi shikshako naraj vacation kamgiri lidhe shikshako ne vadhu taklif 
Shikshako ne blo kamgiri and election kamgiri and bin shaikshanik kamgiri mathi mukti mle tevi shakyata more information read news report

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