GPSSB FHW Bharti 2022 | Gujarat Female Health Worker Recruitment 2022 Female Health Worker 3137 JAGYAO MATE BHARTI JAHERAT

GPSSB FHW Bharti 2022 | Gujarat Female Health Worker Recruitment 2022 

Female Health Worker 3137 JAGYAO MATE BHARTI JAHERAT 

Gujarat Panchayat Seva Selection Board, Gandhinagar (hereinafter referred to as “Mandal”. Online Application Forms are called for direct recruitment (only women candidates) to fill the vacancy of Female Health Worker (Class-II) cadre of Prudhvas Panchayat Seva.  Only female candidates can apply for this.
must be applied online. Also General Category (General Category). Print Candidates can pay Examination Fee Rs.100 /-
which must be read.  The tograph (15 kb) and slgnature (15 kb) should not be more than the size of the scan in jpg format should be prepared in the computer, which should be uploaded online.  The applicant will have to keep all the educational, middle and caste as well as other qualification certificates as mentioned in the online application and after informing the candidates about this, they will have to submit it in person for verification, which everyone should take note
Detailed instructions for application are given in the following paragraphs in this advertisement.  Before filling up the online application along with the instructions, the candidate should read the entire advertisement carefully.  1.2 Candidates are not required to upload any attachments while applying online but, while applying online, the applicant has to fill all the details in the online application as per the details in the certificates.
Hence all his credentials such as educational qualification, age school leaving certificate, gender, physical disability (disability (if any), ex-serviceman (if applicable), valid sports applicable), widow (if any)  All the details have to be filled in the online application along with the original certificates along with the original certificates of other qualifications.  After applying, “Application Number” will be generated, then it is mandatory to confirm the application by clicking on Confirm Application. Only after confirming the application will be accepted online.  Candidates will be allowed to appear for the competitive examination by making provisional admission (Provisional Admission) for the prescribed competitive written examination for this post.
GPSSB FHW Bharti 2022 | Gujarat Female Health Worker Recruitment 2022
 Female Health Worker 3137 JAGYAO MATE BHARTI JAHERAT 
Certificates of the candidates included in the Provisional Merit List will be subject to verification after the result is declared.  ) There will be a written competitive examination of the system.  OMR with these objective questions.  The written competitive examination of the system will be organized by the board.  The examination program will be published separately.  For this, the candidates are advised to keep an eye on the website of Gujarat Panchayat Seva Selection Board.
All the instructions regarding written competitive examination as well as subsequent instructions can be sent by SMS to the registered mobile number of the candidate.  Will be given from.  Therefore, it is imperative that the candidate must indicate the mobile number in the relevant column in the application form, and retain the mobile number till the entire recruitment process is completed.  If the candidate is not notified via SMS due to change or closure of mobile number or any other reason, it will not be the responsibility of the candidate, and in such case the candidate will be deemed to have wanted to be appointed himself.  Proceedings will be conducted by the Board according to which the candidates who will be included in the Provisional Merit List will be given certificate verification instructions and other instructions on their e-mails.
Online Application Forms are called for Direct Recruitment of Female Health Worker  Cadre of Panchayat Service (Only Women Candidates)
The number of vacancies mentioned in the advertisement is likely to fluctuate. 3.2 Private letter number of Panchayat Department:
Reserved seats for economically weaker class candidates are reserved only for those candidates of that reserved category originally from Gujarat.  For Women Candidates: This advertisement is for the category of Female Health Worker (Class-III), only female candidates can apply under this advertisement. ઃ For Widow Candidates: 
If the widowed candidate is not remarried and wants to avail the benefits as a widowed candidate, the candidate has to submit an affidavit to the Board of Appointing at the time of verification of the certificate stating that he / she is not remarried.  If the candidate does not submit this certificate affidavit then the benefit accrued as a widow candidate will not be given.  Of course, other qualifications will be considered by the board.
Five percent of the total marks will be added as additional marks which will be subject to certificate verification
qualified ex-servicemen candidates will be selected. Candidate himself should be a former soldier.  Ex-servicemen candidates will have to give details of the period of service as ex-servicemen in the application form and appendix.  The ex-serviceman candidate will have to submit the prescribed specimen signed by an authorized officer, showing the duration of employment of the candidate in the Armed Forces before the Board on demand.  If the candidate has clicked in the Veteran Soldier category in his / her online application and in future it is requested by the Board then in case the candidate fails to submit the official supporting evidence as a Veteran Soldier, his / her claim for employment as a Veteran Soldier will not be considered.
Announcement of 3137 posts of Female Health Worker 
Short Notification 
Full Notification 
ફીમેલ હેલ્થ વર્કરની ૩૧૩૭ જગ્યાની જાહેરાત
GPSSB FHW Bharti 2022 | Gujarat Female Health Worker Recruitment 2022
 Female Health Worker 3137 JAGYAO MATE BHARTI JAHERAT 
Online Application  Date 26 -4-2022 to Date 10-05-2022
On line Application 
Application all details Advertisement
Official website 
All detail for Advertisement on Official website

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