Gujarat Postal Circle Recruitment 2021 for PA/SA, MTS and Post-Guard – 188 Vacancies

Gujarat Postal Circle Recruitment 2021 for PA/SA, MTS and Post-Guard – 188 Vacancies

Post Office Job Vacancy 2021: Gujarat Postal Circle department has invited applications for Recruitment of PA/SA, MTS and Post-Guard – 188 Vacancies. Candidates who are interested and eligible may send their application & necessary documents to given address. Check more details in below given official notification. 
PROBATION AND TRAINING (a) Probation: The candidates selected will be appointed and will be on probation as per rules (b) Training: The training will be imparted to the selected candidates as prescribed.  YE4

EDUCATIONAL AND OTHER QUALIFICATION REQUIRED (i) For Postal / Sorting Assistant: a) The candidates having passed minimum either 12 “standard or equivalent qualification from a recognized board or university. 

The candidates will be required to furnish at least 60  days duration basic computer training certificate from a recognized computer training institute before issuance of appointment letter. Computer Training certificates from Central Government / Sate Government / University / Boards etc will also be acceptable for this purpose. This requirement of basic computer. knowledge certificate shall be  relaxable in cases where a candidate has studied computer as a subject in matriculation or class – XII or higher educational qualification and in such cases at separate certificate will not be insisted upon.


Sports qualification as per para 7 of the notification. (ii)  For Postman / Mail Guard: a) Minimum 12th standard pass from a recognized board. B) Knowledge  of local language ie GUJARATI.  The candidate should have studied local language Le GUJARATI at least up to 10 Standard e) The candidates will be required to furnish at least 60 days duration basic computer training certificate from a recognized computer training institute before issuance of appointment letter.  Computer training certificates from central government / State Government / University / Boards etc will also be acceptable for this purpose. 
The requirement of basic computer knowledge certificate shall be relaxable in cases where a candidate has computer studies as a subject in matriculation or class XII or higher educational qualification and in such cases a separate certificate will not be insisted upon.
The candidate should have studied local language Le GUJARATI at least up to 10th Standard c) Sports qualification – as 7. SPORTS ELIGIBILITY FOR THE POST OF POSTAL ASSISTANT SORTING ASSISTANT / POSTMAN / MAIL GUARD / MTS The candidates with the following qualifications shall be considered meritorious  for the purpose of recruitment under sports quota.  a) Sportsmen who have represented a State or the Country in the National or International competition in Sports / games shown below.
APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF IN GUJARAT CIRCLE UNDER SPORTS SPORT ” and to be sent through Registered / Speed post to : QUOTA FOR ( g ) ( h ) ( 1 ) The Assistant Director ( Recruitment ) , Office of the Chief Postmaster General , Gujarat Circle , Ahmedabad – 380 001

APPLICATION THROUGH REGISTERED / SPEED POST IS 25.11.2021 till 18.00 hrs . Applications received through any other means i.e. Ordinary Post / Private Couriers and given ” by hand ” shall not be entertained .
Job Description:
Total No. of Vacancies: 188 Posts
Name of Posts:
  • Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant: 71 Posts
  • Postman: 56 Posts
  • Multi-Tasking Staff: 61 Posts
    Dates to Remember:
    • Last Date for Receipt of Application25/11/2021

    How to Apply?
    • Interested and Eligible Candidates can send their duly-filled application by affixing their recent passport size photograph to “O/o Chief Postmaster General, Gujarat Circle, Ahmedabad – 380001” on or before 25 November 2021. 
    • The application should be sent along with all the required documents to the mentioned address through Registered/Speed Post only superscribing the post name on the envelope “Application for the post of__________ in  Gujarat Circle” under sports Quota for ______sports.
    • You can check more jobs in Gujarat at Website. Please read the official notification carefully before applying.

    Source Website:
    • Check Official Notification at Application Form at Here: 
    • Postal Assistant/ Sorting
    • Assistant
    • Rs 25,500/- to Rs.81,100/- in level 4 as per pay matrix specified in
    • Part A of schedule of Central Civil Service(Revised pay) Rules
    • 2016 plus admissible allowances.
    • Postman/Mail Guard
    • Rs 21,700/- to Rs.69,1001- in level 3 as per Pay matrix specified in
    • Part A of schedule of Central Civil Service(Revised pay) Rules
    • 2016 plus adm issible allowances.
    • c
    • Multi Tasking Staff
    • (MTS)
    • Rs 18,0001 to Rs.56,900l- in level 1 as per Pay matrix specified in
    • Part A of schedule of Central Civil Service( Revised pay) Rules
    • 2016 plus admissible allowances. 

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