PRATHMIK SHIKSHAKO NA PAGAR BHTHHA SIVAY NA BAKI ARRERS BILL BABAT LATTER Regarding arrears bills other than salaries of primary teachers
As per the order regarding the arrears of arrears bills other than the salary allowance of primary teachers, to state that the budget for the salary allowance of primary teachers is to be allotted to your office in budget
પ્રાથમિક શિક્ષકોના પગારભથ્થા સિવાયના બાકી અરિયર્સ બિલો અંગે
Instructions to send the details of the amount of arrears payable till 31/10/2021 in the year 2021-22 and the information of the grant required for it in the accompanying Excel sheet forms to the email of the head office by 20/11/2021. is coming . For outstanding payment, the outstanding bills submitted at the taluka level and registered in the bill register will have to be demanded. Only one excel sheet has to be sent from district level.
Requests made after the deadline will not be considered.
Regarding arrears bills other than salaries of primary teachers
Relationa known as (5) SU stored in t Eundamentals of Database Far defining database, two terms, which are used teouently with database, should be known as 1 Data These are raw and unorganised facts that need to be processed such as digital representation of text, numbers, graphical images or sound. eg A student’s test score is one piece of data. 2. Information When data is processed, organised, structured or presented in a given context to make it useful or meaningful,
it is called information. eg The class’s average score is the information that can be concluded from the given data. define the rows defin (S) Compon- A database cor Each componee wa Database com 1. Tables T relation of where all entered. D on the tab retrieving of cells at and fields Types of Database Databases a re of three types, namely as follows 1. Network Database In this type of database, data is represented as a collection of records and relationships among data are represented as links.
There are of DBMS interaction the and the same time. It is as level. It the users to data in a by in at the needs, so that the same data can be seen copies of the same All the data is 2. In duplication of dala to data 1. in Data The refer to data from controlled way that is to their ormation of dal system. dered in an application tabase of DBMS to retrieve desircd Advantages the database BMS owest level of data a the physical syslem. DBMS, the availability of upto-date information improves the data to be access or respond as per user requests.
base on the as physical level it ctually stored and 3. Improvement in Data Security DBMS can allow the means of access to the database through the authorised channels.
3 User 4 To ensure security, DBMS provides security tools, i.e. username and password. 4. Maintenance of Data Integrity Data integrity ensures that the data of database is accurate. In DBMS, data is centralised and used by many users at a time, it is essential to enforce integrity controls. 5. Ease of Application Development The application programmer needs to develop the application programs according to the user’s need.
The other issues like External Level nal broco concurrent access, security, data integrity, etc. are handled by database itself. This makes the application development an easier task. overall view of the information ed in the T pe of data is lationship 6. Backup and Recovery The DBMS provides backup and recovery subsystem eting to the n as logical hardware and software failures.
PRATHMIK SHIKSHAKO NA PAGAR BHTHHA SIVAY NA BAKI ARRERS BILL BABAT LATTER Regarding arrears bills other than salaries of primary teachers
ખુલતા વેકેશનથી ધો.1 થી 5ના વર્ગો શરૂ કરાશે: news report Date 16-11-2021
કેબિનેટ બેઠક / અંતે સારા સમાચાર! 1થી 5 ધોરણની શાળા શરૂ કરવા અંગે જીતુ વાઘાણીએ જુઓ શું કહ્યું…
Source : “VTV News”